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Lista zadataka

Deliverable Date Deliverable Description Action Realiz.
06.02.2012 First one-day meeting in Brussels. Project launch (kick off meeting) J.1 OK
11.02.2012 1. Meeting of Coordinating Beneficiary team (in continuation JRS) and Associated Beneficiary (in continuation HGSS) with reference to Task A A.2 OK
18.02.2012 of Cave Rescue Unit in Croatia (location: Paklenica) E.3 OK
02.03.2012 Report of 1. Meeting (presentation of a project, action descriptions and plan of work) A.2 OK
02.03.2012 Statement of JRS and HGSS to assure 28 experienced cave rescuers (at least 8 of them are cave rescue instructors) for cave rescue intervention inside EU territory for the time of this project. E.2 OK
17.03.2012 of Cave Rescue Unit in Slovenia (location: Gorje) E.4 OK
06.04.2012 Completed active web page of proposed project. On this web page all updated information involving project actions and reports will be available to wide public. This page will be updated at least till the end of the project. D.4 OK
14.04.2012 of Cave Rescue Unit in Slovenia (location: Huda luknja) E.5 OK
01.05.2012 Cave Rescue Manual D.6 OK
01.05.2012 Directive for Cave Rescue Unit working and Manual of Cave Rescue Techniques. E.1 OK
26.05.2012 Meeting of JRS and HGSS instructors for working out a one week Program for International Cave Rescue instructors Training G.1 OK
01.06.2012- Practical (field) testing of gear will be held in every actions of the project where the gear will be used. We will monitor the use of individual gear and use this data for laboratory testing. H.2 OK
02.06.2012 of Cave Rescue Unit in Croatia (location: Gorski kotar) E.6 OK
29.06.-01.07.2012 Participation and presentation of project on Balkan cavers meting B.2, D.1 OK
29.06.-01.07.2012 Participation and presentation of Cave Cadastre on Balkan cavers meeting B.1 OK
29.06.-01.07.2012 Presentation of the project and first results on Balkan Cavers meeting 2012 D.1 OK
06.07.2012 Report of Cave Rescue Unit equipment purchase E.2 OK
13.07.2012 Report and presentation of special features and dangers in caves from Balkan cavers meeting   OK
13.07.2012 Final Program for International Cave Rescue instructors Training G.1 OK
03.08.2012 Equipment standard for save entering and self-dependent work in the caves - brochure C.1 OK
20.08.2012 First progress report J.3 OK
16.11.2012. Research of a difficult (more than 500 meters deep or more than 4 km long) cave in Croatia B.4 OK
07.09.2012 Report of a study of Slovenian and Croatian speleological and caving legislation C.2 OK
08.09.2012 Research of a difficult (more than 500 meters deep or more than 4 km long) cave in Slovenia B.3  
28.09.2012 List of a relevant caving equipment which is important to be tested. H.1 OK
19.10.2012 Report of implemented emergency medical service on the International Cave Rescue Training (CRT) and Directive for assurance of basic survival conditions inside caves (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project). F.1 OK
27.10.2012 1.joint training of Cave Rescue Unit (location Croatia – Jopićeva špilja-Bent) E.7 OK
02.-03.11.2012 Laboratory testing of relevant caving gear and ropes used on previous actions. H.3 OK
08.11.2012 Report of Implementation of the International Cave Rescue Instructors Training (CRT) 2012 (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project). G.2 OK
08.11.2012 List of a new cave rescue instructors from CRT 2012 G.2 OK
28.11.2012 Brochure as a result of working on Tack C: important information about visiting Slovenian and Croatian caves for foreign cavers, contact information’s, maps, etc. C.2  
28.11.2012 Brochure for safe entering and working in caves including basic information for visiting Slovenian and Croatian caves for foreigners D.2  
31.12.2012 Final report of trainings of Cave Rescue Unit in 2012 (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project) E.3 - E.7  
31.12.2012 Final report of practical (field) and laboratory testing with a list of dangerous caving equipment and listed limitations when using individual critical gear (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project). H.4  
12.01.2013 2. Meeting of JRS and HGSS with reference to Task A A.3  
12.01.2013 Two workshops organized by stuff working on the project (first in 2012 in Slovenia and second in 2013 in Croatia) (linked to A.2. and A.3.) D.5, A.2, A.3  
21.01.2013 Technical plan of a researched cave and cave rescue plan from the cave in Slovenia B.3  
21.01.2013 Technical plan of a researched cave and cave rescue plan from the cave in Croatia B.4  
16.02.2013 2.joint training of Cave Rescue Unit – winter drill (location Slovenia – Kanin) E.8  
23.02.2013 of Cave Rescue Unit in Croatia (location: Gospić) E.9  
20.04.2013 of Cave Rescue Unit in Slovenia (location: Gorje) E.10  
20.04.2013 Second progress report J.4  
07.06.2013 Cave Cadastre of 50 relevant Slovenian caves B.1a  
07.06.2013 Cave Cadastre of 50 relevant Croatian caves B.1b  
05.07.2013 Report of 2. Meeting and brochure about dangers in caves and identification of most frequent reasons for caving accidents A.3  
21. – 28.07.2013 Participation and presentation of study (C.1) on the UIS meeting ( C.3  
21. – 28.07.2013 Presentation of the project and achieved results on UIS meeting 2014 and presentation of Brochure D.3  
02.08.2013 Joint Cave Cadastre of 50 relevant Slovenian and 50 Croatian Caves B.1a, B.1b  
02.08.2013 Report from a UIS meeting with our presentation of brochure C.3  
06.08.2013 Cave rescue technical plan for evacuation of the stretcher from 500 meters depth B.3  
07.09.2013 Setting up of the progression gear to the location on the cave where the stretcher evacuation will start (bivouac). I.1, I.2  
15. – 23.09.2013 Implementation of emergency medical service on the International Cave Rescue Training (CRT) 2013 and training of members of the formed Cave Rescue Unit. F.2  
15. – 23.09.2013 Implementation of the International Cave Rescuers Training (CRT) 2013 by the leadership of instructors of JRS and HGSS. G.3  
16. – 23.09.2012 Implementation of emergency medical service on the International Cave Rescue Training (CRT) 2012 and training of members of the formed Cave Rescue Unit. F.1  
16. – 23.09.2012 Implementation of the International Cave Rescue Instructors Training (CRT) 2012 by the leadership of instructors of JRS and HGSS. G.2  
26.10.2013 Report of the installation of progression gear and preliminary work I.2  
11. – 13.10.2013 Execution of Final Cave rescue exercise (-500m). On this big exercise all 28 members of formed Cave Rescue Unit will cooperate and additionally other members of JRS and HGSS. I.3  
11.-13.10.2013 Final joint drill – rescue operation from a 500 meters deep cave (location: Slovenia – Kanin, Skalarjevo brezno). .* This action will be realized if there will be no cave rescue intervention of available Cave Rescue Unit inside EU E.11  
08.11.2013 Report of implemented emergency medical service on the International Cave Rescue Training (CRT) 2013 (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project). F.2  
08.11.2013 Report of Implementation of the International Cave Rescuers Training (CRT) 2013 (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project). G.3  
08.11.2013 List of a new cave rescuers from CRT 2013 G.3  
06.12.2013 Detailed final report of Final Cave rescue exercise (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project) I.4  
31.12.2013 Final report of trainings of Cave Rescue Unit in 2013 (photo and video material will be attached to the final report and also available on the web site of the project) E.8 - E.10, E.12  
31.12.2013 Final project report and closing of a project J.5  
31.12.2013 Second one-day meeting in Brussels J.2  
2013 and 2014 Articles in relevant national journals. D.7  
after every finished task Reports and up-to date information’s on the Project Wep page, including photo and video material, brochure D.4  
